Red Sea's Coral Pro Salt is the perfect salt for mixed reef aquariums due to the fact that it contains biologically balanced, elevated levels of the foundation elements (Calcium, Magnesium, Carbonates) along with 45 minor and trace elements found in reef water plus additional components formulated by Red Sea. This mix guarantees optimal levels of 57 elements necessary for not only sustainable but accelerated, vibrant coral growth.
- Perfect salt mix to ensure healthy, vibrant growth of all soft, LPS and SPS corals
- Ensures that the ratio between calcium/magnesium/carbonates is in perfect balance to accelerate coral skeleton growth
- Extremely easy to mix by utilizing RO water. Clear and concise instructions are shown on the outside of the bucket
- A chart reflecting the levels of the major elements is also shown
- Mixing levels are as follows: Approximately 400g of Coral Pro will create 10 liters of marine water at a salinity of 1.025. Once the required amount of water has been made, check the salinity levels with a refractometer and adjust if necessary
- 7kg of Coral Pro will create 210 liters of marine water